Yes Ladies and Gentleman our little girl is rolling!!! And we are so proud! Let me start with the few days leading up to the roll. I have to admit I am a competitive person and two weeks ago at my mom's group a mom with a daughter 1 day older than Rylee told me her daughter rolled. I have to admit I was jealous-I wanted Rylee to be first. I also really wanted her to roll before she was 4 months old- why I am not sure I just thought it would be fun. So I came home and really started to work with Rylee- encouraging her that rolling would be really fun. Well she didn't really agree. She decided that she really loved going onto her side and then stopping there and laughing or sucking her thumb. But I didn't give up. I showed her that rolling was fun and that everyone (aka mom) was doing it. Once again she smiled and rolled to her side. Well then on the Wednesday before her 4 month birthday she started to really roll onto her side and looked as though she was going to go the distance so I ran got the camera, video camera and started filming. Well 20 minutes later and after tons of encouragement-nothing but smiles on her side. So I gave up. Then Thursday morning, I tried again-nothing. I decided that it just wasnt going to happen before the big day. So I put Rylee down for her morning nap and all of a sudden she woke up screaming. I ran into her room and guess what I see- Rylee on her tummy. She had rolled and I missed it!!! I was so excited that I started snapping pictures and tried to get her to do it again on the floor. Guess what- she did it for me, her dad and the video camera. This time not only did she go from back to tummy but also from tummy to back. It was a very proud moment for us. Plus she did 1 day before she was 4 months!! Now she rolls everywhere and is loving it.
Here are some pics!
Her first roll!!!

Playing and rolling

1 comment:
Kelly and Chris she is so adorable you guys must be in love with that cute little girl. I can't wait to meet her finally I'm sure our kids would go nuts over Rylee.
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