Things are moving along...we are done with insulation, the walls are sheetrocked and textured, and the stone is going on the exterior of the house. Once the sheetrock went up we couldn't believe how much bigger everything felt it really feels like a 6000 sq ft home! But it has made us even more excited about moving in. I have been a little stress case this week because I am beginning to freak out about when it will be done and how much I will be able to do when it is done. This baby is not slowing down so we have to keep on track. We are hoping to be in by the first week of January so be watching for the email asking, actually begging for your help. I can't imagine that in less than a month after we move in our little one will be here- how oh how will I ever get everything unpacked and organized?!? Here are some update pics- hope you like.
Chris and Natalie checking on the insulation- just how sound proof will it be in his office??

Chris inspecting the sheetrock in the kitchen and asking "how many light are in this kitchen?"

Looking from the bar in the lounge at the fireplace and on the other side of the fireplace the kitchen

Me, Chris and the baby in the middle of the rubble

The stairs and to the left the dining room

Just to show how massive the fireplace really is- it goes up 24 ft. I am at the top of the stairs looking down....

Chris trying to figure out where are the workers..."this baby is coming so you can't delay!""

Chris trying out the slide...all he needs is water :)

The exterior of our house
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