At three months Rylee:
- weight: 12lbs 6 oz
- has outgrown her 0-3 month clothes
- has moved on to size 2 diapers
- is starting to get more hair on the top of her head- it looks like it is getting lighter but we will see
- her eyes color has taken on a more hazel color but has a blue ring around the outside- they are beautiful
- is sleeping 10-11 hours a night!!! But still hates nap time during the day. She will sleep in the car or walk but hates a nap in her crib. She thinks she might miss something...
- is cooing all the time. We can sit and coo back and forth for many minutes before she looses interest.
- still twirls her feet while she eats
- would rather sit in our lap than lay down-that way she can see everything going on
- smiles all the time and has started to laugh which cracks Chris and I up everytime
- she love to follow chris and I around with her eyes
- has started to like her Baby b'jorn- thank goodness
- survived her first cold. I think it was harder on mom and dad. She was a champion!
- can move herself from one end of the crib to the other in no time. Every morning we wake up to her in a different place.
- is starting to realize she can grab things with her hands. Once she does grab something she wants to put it in her mouth.
- loves sucking on her hands.
- is the most beautiful baby in the world :)
playing and talking to her animal friends!

going on a walk with mom

just sitting around

on her way to her first race!

She loves to "low ride" in her swing and talk to the mechanism :)

what our day is full of- SMILES!!


1 comment:
She is so CUTE!!!! You guys are all just adorable! Can't wait to capture 3 months!
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