Sorry I have been lagging on the updates. I have been a bit overwhelmed the last few weeks with what needs to get done, when will it be done, and making sure everything does get done. But it is slowly but surely coming together piece by piece. Almost all of our concrete work is done and it looks FABULOUS!! We went with a darker grey color and never looked at a sample. At first as they were pouring the first truck load I got very nervous because it was coming out black, like tar. But after we let it dry overnight and saw how it was starting to lighten to a beautiful dark grey I was stoked. We have already gone through 13 cement trucks and have about 3 more coming on Monday to finish everything. Then the landscapers will start planting all of the fun plants.
As for the inside things are moving at a snails pace! Man, you would think during these times people would want to work, work hard and try to finish early so they can go on to another job but that is not the case. It simply amazes me. But I have to say that all of the painting is done except for the touch up right before we move in. It all looks so good. Almost all of the cabinets are in. We are just waiting for the wood floors to be installed next week so we can put the kitchen cabinets in. I am in awe of how the cabinets have turned out- it is beautiful.
But the most impressive room is Baby T's!!! OH how I love how it turned out. I heart her room. It is beautiful. She is going to be very lucky when it is all done....
Next week will be busy, hopefully. Our wood floors will be going in. Our countertops will be going in and the tile will be finished. We are still hoping for an early January move in date so please keep your fingers crossed!
Here are some updated pics.

The craft room aka Kelly's office

Chris' office

the lounge

Baby T's room