WOW! Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was peeing on a stick that would change our lives forever and now we are just a few short months away from meeting our little one. I feel very lucky that this pregnancy has been so good to me. Sure there were some rough moments in the beginning but overall this has been a great experience and it is only getting better. Baby T is beginning to move a lot more or at least I feel it a lot more!:) she is like a mini Mike Tyson once she starts moving. Chris and I have enjoyed many hours watching my tummy start moving. It is a feeling that I never want to forget and have really tried to sit back and enjoy.
I had my checkup today and everything looks good. I passed my 1 hour gluclose test so I was excited about that. I also asked lots of burning questions about my hospital stay. I have been loosing hours of sleep worrying about if I was going to have to share a room while I was there. And much to my surprise it looks like I shouldn't have to!!! YEAH!!!
We also scheduled our 3D ultrasound for next week. We will hopefully have a more cooperative baby and she will want to show us her cute face because I want to see what she is going to look like. I also hope to get a confirmation that she really is a girl! I am still hesitating when we are shopping because I dont want to buy to much girl stuff and not be able to use it! It is really going to be a fun experience because we have invited both sets of grandparents to join us in seeing their granddaughter for hte first time. so keep posted for those pictures next week.
So now I am off to put my feet up- let me just say that swollen toes are not pretty and enjoy a homemade peach crisp- hey I passed my gluclose test so bring on the sugar. :)