We didn't have a lot to blog about this week regarding the house. The weather finally got better and the plumbing ditches dried out. So next week they will be putting the plumbing in, the steal beams will be delivered and the framers will start preparing for the framing. It finally feels like this house is going to get moving!!! So hopefully for all die-hard blog readers this blog will get more exciting!!
But until that happens I thought I would respond to a tag I got from my friend Keri. As you will see it is about your hubby-and since he has had a very long week I thought I would take a moment to share how great he is!!!

here it goes..
1. What is his name? Chris
2. How long have you been married? The best 2 years, 5 months and 24 days but who's counting!!
3. How long did you date? let see here...this question is up for debate...for all of you that were at our wedding you heard the debate. Chris thinks we started dating before we actually did!!! So I will say we dated 2.5 years
4. Who eats more sweets? Me for sure!!! Chris says he is not a sweets guy but put a piece of cheesecake in front of him and it will be gone.
5. Who said I love you first? Chris...on a trip to Santa Monica...
6. Who is taller? Chris
7. Who can sing better? I think its a good toss up-anyone that has been to our kareoke parties knows that we love to sing duets!! We usually butcher the song but have a great time doing it...but I have to say Chris' air guitar skills and knee slide are top notch!
8. Who is smarter? A think it is a tie!
9. Who does the laundry? Oh our biggest headache subject...I hate laundry, Chris hates laundry. I usually do it during the day and he helps me put it away when he gets home. But we have decided that if we ever when the lottery we will hire someone to do it for us!
10. Who pays the bills? Me.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Chris...right now it is the closest to the door so I make him sleep there!
12. Who cooks dinner? I do..Keri, I am with you if anything ever happens to me please make sure Chris doesn't live on Raleys chinese food!!
13. Who drives? Ha-ha!! this isn't even up for debate. Chris. It is his passion!! So now he just puts up with my backseat driving or as I like to call it "his navigator" telling him what to do.
14. Who is more stubborn?It depends on the day.
15. Who kissed who first? We are not 100% sure on this one but I am going to give it to Chris.
16. Who asked who out first? Chris after 2 years of waiting!! Man he is lucky I stuck around!
17. Who proposed? Chris...and I am lucky he did because I was not being the nicest person that day!!
18. Who wears the pants? (chuckle) doesn't every woman?! :)
I am going to tag my friends Jen W and Amy B.