wears a size 3 diaper
has started to crawl- she still loves to do the wounded soldier crawl but has started to use her knees more
favorite toys: an empty water bottle and the phone. Forget the expensive baby toys just give her a plastic water bottle and she is happy.
Loves the BOB stroller and tries to stand up while we walk around. It is the cutest thing ever!!
Eats two meals a day- she loves her oatmeal and fruit in the morning and veggie at night.
Is not a picky eater- thank goodness she is more like her daddy than her mommy.
loves to look around at everything and everyone- she is very aware of everything.
is in swim lessons and enjoying it.
takes two naps a day and maybe a small one in the car. We are still working on stretching out the length of the naps.
has two teeth and they are sharp.
Enjoyed one night with daddy all be herself.
is the cutest baby girl in the world!!!!

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