OMG! Can you believe Ryleee is already 6 months. WOW time is flying by. What an amazing little person she is becoming every day. We have had a super busy month and Rylee enjoyed every second of it. For all of you that are interested her are her stats for the month:
At 6 months Rylee
- weighs over 16 lbs ( we are waiting for our dr appointment this month to get the actual numbers but let me tell you she is a chunky monkey-her cheeks give it away!:)
- wears size 2-3 diapers and sometimes size 3
- loves to roll and roll and roll. You never know where she will end up or stop. I think if she could she would roll from one side of the house to the other with no problem.
- loves, loves, loves her jumperoo. She loves to jump and jump some more. She loves it even more when you jump with her- she smiles from ear to ear and starts laughing. She loves to grab the banana and pull it into her mouth. (I can't wait to see what she will do with a real banana)
- sleeps through the night but loves to wake up at 6:12am every single day. It does not matter if she goes to bed at 7pm or 10 pm the girl wakes up at that minute no matter what. It is crazy!
- still thinks that her feet are the best toy ever. We call it her baby yoga time.
- can sit up for a few minutes all by herself.
- loves to splash in the tub and try to catch the bubbles. She really loves it when we are traveling and she gets to bathe in the big tub-watch out cause water goes flying.
- has flown 8 times and 4 of those times were in first class (lucky girl) and has been to 10 states. This is where in the world rylee has been- California, Nevada, Hawaii, maryland, Delaware, pennsylvania, new jersey, new York, Washington, texas. Plus one district- DC!! Not bad for 6 months!
- is still teething like crazy but no tooth yet (come on tooth fairy help a mom out here)
- is the happiest baby ever. Anyone who runs into her just adores her but not as much as her mommy and daddy do- we love you boo.
A few pics from our photo shoot ( disclaimer: my nice camera busted so we had to use our point and shoot :(

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