Day 1- Rice cereal
We started with the typical rice cereal. We got the fancy bowl, spoon and new bib ready. We called Mema and had her come over. We charged the cameras and got them ready and then it came time to start. Rylee is already used to sitting in her bumbo so we put her in it and began. Her first bite caused a look of confusion-like what is this. But like the champ she is she actually swallowed it. I will admit it was more like milk than cereal. So we gave her another bite. This time she took the bite but then grabbed the spoon and decided it was hers and that it was her new favorite toy. So we would have to pry the spoon from her hand and take another bite. We continued like this for a few minutes. Then she realized that the spoon was fun but the bowl looked even better. What does a 6 month old and a bowl of cereal = one very messy baby!! We loved every moment of it. It was a very proud moment in out house. Here are a few pics from the big day...

Day 7- avacado
After a week of rice cereal I decided it was time to start adding new things. So I thought it would be fun to try avacado. I have read that some people skip rice cereal and start with avacado. So I went to costco and bought the jumbo bag of avacados knowing that Rylee was going to love them- I mean it is the main ingredient in quacamole!! So I mashed and mashed added a little milk and gave it a shot. Nothing could have prepared us for the face that Rylee made. it was one of absolute disgust. She did this gagging face and curled her nose up and started spitting it out. We laughed and tried again thinking she just wasn't used to the texture- wrong- she just doesnt like avacados. We tried for 3 more days without any luck so we gave it up and went back to our staple rice cereal.
Day 9- sweet potato
I have to admit that I am obsessed with making Rylee's baby food. After reading what is in the jarred food (even the organic) I decided that I was going to make it. So I was lucky enough to get the cool baby food making device at William sonoma so I decided to put it to work on the sweet potatoes. Now I do love kitchen gadets but this thing ROCKS!! I love that it steams and then purees. It is brilliant. So I whipped up a batch of sweet potatoes in no time and put my cooking skills to the test. Rylee took the first bite and only made a slight yuck face, gave herself the chills, and then swallowed. Chris and I looked at each other and said we may have a winner. She took a few more bites, played with the spoon, got sweet potatoes on everything (even behind her ears) but really enjoyed it. We just finished our 3 day of sweet potatoes and tonight she ate the most ever and ,ost of it made it in her mouth and not everywhere else. I think we have found a winner.
Stay tuned for an update on peas and carrots they are on the menu for this week...