Our baby girl is already 10 weeks old!!! I can't believe it- time is going by so fast and we are enjoying every second of it. I'm sorry for the slow updates but when Rylee is awake I hate wasting time on the computer! But we have had the best month with her. Our days are filled with smiles and laughs, playing and talking, and taking walks and seeing new sites. It is the best life!!!
Here are Rylee's two month stats:
- Weight: 10lbs 9 oz
- Height: 23.25 inches
- Head circum: 37 cent.
- Her eyes are slowly changing- they are blue around the outside and the most beautiful hazel color in the center- a total 50/50 of Chris and I!!! Now it will be interesting to see which color wins :)
- She is smiling more and more everyday. She smiles the moment we walk into her room in the morning and as she drifts off to sleep at night. Every smile still melts our hearts!
- She has started to laugh. She gets very excited and opens her mouth wide and starts to lift up her shoulders- it is the cutest thing ever!
- She has started to enjoy her swing- thank goodness because it makes mealtime much easier. She scrunches herself down to the bottom and loves to stare at the swinging mechanism. She can sit there for an hour without any problem.
- She is enjoying her playmat...she loves to stare at herself in the mirror and smile. Then she starts to grab at the animals and bell.
- She survived her first road trip to the bay area for Jen and Dan's baby shower. She slept the entire way there and most of the way home. She loves her car seat and we are so thankful for that! When she is in her car seat she LOVES to look at her frog, chick and crab that dangle from the handle. She smiles at them, then coo's and grabs them. It is very entertaining to watch.
- She is sleeping through the night. She stills stays up til around 10-11pm (which is very late for mommy) but then sleeps from anywhere between 7-8am!!! I am so proud of her!!
- she hates being swaddled. She loves to stretch out and sleep with her arms sprawled out. She is just like her daddy and needs plenty of room to sleep. I still am obsessive about checking on her because she loves to shimmie herself all around her crib.
- She has found her hands and loves them...she loves to try to put her entire fist into her mouth. We are trying to encourage a thumb or finger but she prefers the taste of her whole fist. :)
- She hates pacifiers and will not take one (mommy is secretly happy about this)
- She loves to watch what everyone is doing and hates it when we put her down for a nap when people are here. She is going to be our social butterfly!
- She is our princess and has stollen our hearts :)
The smile that melts our hearts!!!

All sprawled out. She loves to stretch out!

Reading time!!

Rylee loves her mommy!!

Sporting her first pair of tennis shoes and not so sure she likes shoes

Rylee loves her daddy!!


and more smiles!!!

and after a long day...nap time!!!

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