We are still moving along with our foundation. They are getting the foundation formed so the plumber can come in and rough plumb everything and then they can pour the foundation. That is a site I cant wait to see!! So hopefully this weather storm will quickly pass or hold off until the weekend. (I never thought I would be hoping for rainy weekends :)

As you can see Chris is still loving all of the big equipment...I think he will be really sad the day they stop using it!! :) I think he is hoping Fred (our framer) will let him operate the crane when we start framing!

On a different note, Chris and I went to Tahoe last weekend with our good friends Mike and Emily. The snow was great and the skiing was even greater. While we were there we found the biggest icicle in front of the kitchen window. We knew we had to knock it down so that it would not melt and go through the window. So once we got it down on the deck I came up with the brilliant plan of turning it into a vodka luge. So the boys went right to work creating it. It was so funny to watch these boys in action. They took their job VERY seriously. I have to admit Emily and I did not participate in finished work! But the boys did put it to good use! So here are a few pictures of the boys in action. And yes, that is a "go girl"!!!

Men and their iceicles!.....
Well it looks like you finally got the pics loaded on! We had tons of fun watching the eclipse, thanks for coming and haning out for a bit. maybe sometime we can just hang, go to the mall or something.
Do you ever have time for that? let me know.
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