We wasted no time and the day our permit got approved they started our retaining walls. I really had no idea what it took to put these walls together so yesterday (Monday) chris had the day of (thanks MLK) so we took his parents, my mom and his grandma up to the lot so we could check it out. As we were pulling up a big dump truck was dropping off another load of rocks. So we got to see how they move the rocks to the different spots with the tractor and basket (I have no idea what you call these pieces of equipment :)
After they move the rocks to the general area where they will be placed the operator of the tractor starts to lift up each rock and look for the flat side of it. If there is no flat side he uses the teeth on the basket to knock of pieces of the rock. It is crazy how much work and skill goes into this.
Then once they have a flat rock the operator and the spotter decide where to place the rock and he moves it there. Then the whole process starts over again creating a puzzles of rocks that fit together perfectly.
We talked to the crew and they are hoping (weather permitting-darn rain) to finish all of the retaining walls by the middle of next week. Once they are done the foundation and plumbers will start. And that is when we will really start to see the house take shape.
Other than that we have a busy week. We are working on finishing up ordering all of the windows and doors, all appliances and the home electronics. So keep posted !!!