Monday, July 27, 2009
And we are off!!!
Yes, we are off again. After seeing how well Rylee did on her first flight we decided to take another trip. This time we are headed to the nation's capitol and to NYC to see Jen, Mike and Cooper. We are so excited. So stay tuned to hear about many more "firsts" and pics to come. It should be a very interesting adventure and you wont want to miss the updates. See you in a week!
Maui 2009
What an amazing trip we had to Maui. It was so much fun spending 10 days in the sun and surf with our family. First off, Rylee rocked the plane rides. I have to admit I was very nervous about the 5 hour flight. But when it cam down to it Rylee did awesome. She was never "one of those babies". She ate, slept and played the whole time. That really helped set the tone of the trip. She was such a good sport about being in a different place and a different schedule. We are very lucky because it took only 1 night to get her on aloha time. We got to experience so many firsts- Rylee's first time flying, touching sand, and her first dip in the pacific ocean. She absolutely loved the ocean- she giggled and smiled every time we went in. She loved lounging by the pool, swimming with daddy and playing with her cousins. She went to the Hula grill and Cheeseburger in Paradise for the first time (even though she slept through Cheeseburger) and enjoyed it. She even got a little tan :)
I have to admit that traveling with a baby is much different that traveling with just your husband- and boy do babies have a lot of stuff!! Chris did awsome with the changes. We took turns spending nap time with Rylee while the other laid out or went snorkeling. It was a great system that worked out perfectly. Plus, we were lucky to have MeMa with us who would watch Rylee so we could do things together. We were able to go on the best date night ever. Chris surprised me with dinner at Lahina Grill ( the restaurant we celebrated me 30th birthday at). it was so good but the company was even better!
It was so great spending so much time with the family. We feel so lucky to have such a close family. to see Rylee with her Mema is such an amazing gift- they love each other so much. Plus, she loves hanging with her cousins. I cant wait until she is old enough to keep up with them- she is going to love it! Since we had so much fun we are already counting down to our next family trip.
A few of our favorites- in no order :)
Chris and Rylee at the beach

Swimming in the pool

Chilling at the pool

Almost every morning we started the day with a rainbow

The group at dinner

Me and Nat- my most favorite niece!!!

The family after Rylee's first dip in the pacific ocean

Rylee's first dip

Rylee and MeMa

Chilling on the beach

my "cool" girl

hanging with dad

her first flight- nothing too it!

Maui here we come!!

Until next time....
I have to admit that traveling with a baby is much different that traveling with just your husband- and boy do babies have a lot of stuff!! Chris did awsome with the changes. We took turns spending nap time with Rylee while the other laid out or went snorkeling. It was a great system that worked out perfectly. Plus, we were lucky to have MeMa with us who would watch Rylee so we could do things together. We were able to go on the best date night ever. Chris surprised me with dinner at Lahina Grill ( the restaurant we celebrated me 30th birthday at). it was so good but the company was even better!
It was so great spending so much time with the family. We feel so lucky to have such a close family. to see Rylee with her Mema is such an amazing gift- they love each other so much. Plus, she loves hanging with her cousins. I cant wait until she is old enough to keep up with them- she is going to love it! Since we had so much fun we are already counting down to our next family trip.
A few of our favorites- in no order :)
Chris and Rylee at the beach

Swimming in the pool

Chilling at the pool

Almost every morning we started the day with a rainbow

The group at dinner

Me and Nat- my most favorite niece!!!

The family after Rylee's first dip in the pacific ocean

Rylee's first dip

Rylee and MeMa

Chilling on the beach

my "cool" girl

hanging with dad

her first flight- nothing too it!

Maui here we come!!

Until next time....
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
our 4th of July sparkler!!

Happy 4th of July!! We had an amazing fourth with our family and friends. We spent the day swimming, BBQing and hanging out. Rylee did amazingly well. She loves having lots of people around her and watching everyone. Here are just a few pics but I will post more when we get back from Hawaii. Yup, thats right we are headed to Hawaii so the blog will be on vacation too. but check back soon for lots of updates.

Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy 5 months Rylee

Our little "boo" is 5 months and is the cutest girl ever. Her personality is growing everyday. From the moment she wakes up in the morning until she puts her head down at night she is so happy and full of life. We are enjoying every moment of this journey.
At 5 months:
- she weighs 16lbs!!
- wears a size 2 diaper
- has started the teething process-poor thing can't get enough in her mouth and is a drooling machine. But thankfully, is still STTN.
- sleeps about 11 hours at night (yeah!!)
- Loves to roll and roll. She can go from her back to her stomach to her back without any problems. There is no more leaving her on the bed or couch.
- loves tummy time. She enjoys spending time on her stomach playing, especially when she does her push ups to see what is going on around her.
- Sleeps on her tummy. She prefers to push herself all the way up the crib to the left hand corner and tuck her head right against the crib ( I have had many sleepless hours checking to make sure she is not stuck!)
-Gives us the biggest smile when we walk into her room when she wakes up. She loves to push herself up and look towards the door as we call her name. The smile is the most priceless thing ever!!
- Thinks the greatest toy ever is her toes. She prefers her right foot but will grab both and put them in her mouth. She really loves to do this on the changing table while we are attempting to change her.
-Loves her Sophie (chewing toy). This is the one item I do not leave home without.
- loves to blow bubbles and make raspberries with her lips.
- "flaps her arms and kicks her legs when she gets really excited.
- Loves to laugh out loud when her daddy talks to her in their special language.
- loves her jumperoo...especially the hanging banana. She also loves her play mat and will spend hours tugging on the animals legs
- loves to join us at the family table for meals and is obsessed with our food and drinks. She will stare us down through every bite and drink.
- loves to talk and babble- I think I have heard a "momma" or two :)
- no longer likes to be in her car seat at restaurants- she prefers to be in our lap and watching everyone and grabbing for anything in her sight.
- is the best daughter ever, I love you!!

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