Rylee at 1 month:
- weighs 9lbs 8 oz. Up from 7 lbs 9oz at birth
- is 22 inches (3 inch increase- no wonder that growth spirit at 3 weeks was hard)
- is starting to fill out 0-3 month clothing but always takes her right sock off
- is a BIG eater...poor mom
- still has light brown hair- we are not sure if it is going to go blond or not. But she is starting to get more of it.
- hates her swing but loves when daddy swings her
- has greyish blue eyes. i am hoping that they will turn blue like Chris'
- loves the nature noise on all her toys
- has started to smile. not on a regular basis but she gives a few every day. Every time she does it our hearts melt.
- still loves to surprise us when we are changing her diaper- thank goodness for disposable pads.
- sleeps at least 6 hours straight a night- mommy loves that
- is starting to hold her neck up more and more and is very strong. I know that once she starts crawling she will never stop.
-her favorite time of the day and our too is when we get cuddle time on our chest. She pulls her legs up (her landing gear) and
curls up under our necks...ahhh we love our noodlebug!!
- Still sleeps with one hand touching her face- something she did in every utra-sound picture.
here are some recent pictures...