Yes you read that right Chris and I are expecting!! We are expecting the "next go-kart champion" February 11, 2009. We have finally made it through the first trimester and the morning sickness is gone and the energy is back. So I finally have the energy to catch everyone up....
Because I know everyone loves stories here is the story of when we found out. It was early Friday morning and Chris had left for work and I was packing for our trip to Half Moon Bay and I kept getting this feeling that I should take a pregnancy test. So finally I convinced myself to do it and peed on the stick. I forgot about it for a while then it dawned on me I better check. As I went to pick up the test and throw it out knowing it was going to be negative I stopped dead in my tracks because I saw two lines!! I couldn't believe it and since I didn't believe it I ran and got my camera and took a picture to see if two lines showed up on the display and guess what they did!! I quickly called the dr. and set up an appointment and then thought how should I tell chris? I only had an hour until I had to pick him up from work so I jumped in the car and went and got a copy of what to expect when you are expecting and wrapped it up. As Chris got in the car I told him I found him a really silly gift I just had to get him. He opened the box and his mouth just dropped and then was so excited. His reaction is something I will never forget.

The next thing we had to do was tell our worked out perfectly because they were both coming over for Father's day. We came up with the perfect way to tell them. While we were in on our trip we took a picture and decided to frame that picture and copy the mastercard add. So after lunch on Fathers day we gave Chris' dad a gift then we said we had two more gifts for the mom's. They opened the frame and at first nothing but then we see my mom grab her glasses put them on and start screaming and jumping up and down. Jola hadn't realized what was going on yet so Chris' dad grabbed the picture frame read it and started to cry and tell Jola. We all just cried, screamed and enjoyed the moment. It was priceless!!

Finally, later that day we told Ryan and his family. First Ryan and the kids came over and we asked them if they were ready to be big cousins...Ryan was so excited and so were the kids. Then Monica came over and we were all talking when I told her that Natalie had a secret. She asked Natalie what the secret was and Natalie said "auntie Kelly is having a baby!" Monica just screamed with excitement.

So all of our family new and it was time to wait for the dr. apt to confirm everything. At 12 weeks we got an ultrasound and got to see baby T's for the first time and see its heartbeat. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. Chris and I just sat there speechless...we are having a baby!!!

We are now 15 weeks and looking forward to our next appointment -which is when we get to find out the sex of baby T.
We were trying to think of a new name for the blog when my good friend Jen (hi J) pointed out that the tomaszewski crib is very fitting not only for our new house but also for the new baby. So we are going to keep updating everyone on the house and the baby on this blog. So please check back for all kinds of updates. And I do promise to keep up with posting.