Wow, it is crazy how quickly two weeks can slip by. Here is a little update on the last two weeks. Memorial day weekend we were in Yerington, NV racing with Rescue Racing. It was flashbacks to last years Henderson race because it rained and rained all day Friday and Saturday. But come race morning, our prayers were answered and the rain stopped. The race went ok, chris and Ryan did not finish due to a rock jumping out in front of them and busting their rear tire and rim. Jeremy and Dave also did not finish due to a transmission problem. Our last hope was with Rick in the trophy truck and unfortunetly luck was not on our side. He had a gasket that blew three times and kept catching on fire! So he decided to quit before any more problems. But we were not the only team that had problems. I believe out of almost 20 trucks in our division only 3 actually finished! So the good news is that all three trucks did end up getting points toward the overall championship.
Chris is back to work :(!! How quickly his vacation went by. I dont think he got as many lazy days as he hope for but overall he enjoyed the time off. His new job ROCKS!! His commute is now less than 10 minutes and with the crazy diesel prices this has made a HUGE difference on the checkbook. Another major bonus is that I can visit him again for lunch. He is enjoying the job because he is challenged everyday and is already learning so much.
On the home front...well they painted the trim and have started putting up the gutters. The roof is all sheeted and we are now waiting for the roofers to start once the gutters completely installed. The next two months are going to be really boring-well at least according to me. Chris thinks it is going to be great because the electrician and the home automation will start. So I will apologize in advance if the posts seem boring. But on the flip side, I will be asking for your opinions on a bunch of other details.
Here are pics from tonight at the house...
Here is the front as of today...notice the paint color on where the gutters go- it is called "otter"

Chris enjoying his first "dip" into the pool and the swim up bar!

the back of the house

The fireplaces

About the fireplaces...this will be my first official vent. So we get to the house tonight and we see the fireplaces and they are black. Black...uhm...when everything else in the house is stainless steel? Where the mantle that is going above this fireplace is stainless steel...I don't think so. Lets just say that by 7 am tomorrow I will be rechecking the order and making sure stainless steel ones are coming. Oh and to top it off the black ones are scratched! I will keep you posted on the outcome :)
Well hopefully you have made it through this long update. More to come soon...