Friday, December 12, 2008

31 week update...

It has already been a crazy pregnancy week. We had our first baby shower and it was fabulous. Chris' parents did an amazing job hosting it and we had such a great time catching up with everyone. Baby T is already very spoiled and loved by all. I will post more pics once we get them.
All of the family together!

Chris and I

I have finally turned into a very pregnant person :) I have cankles!!! By the end of the day my feet and ankles swell so much I look like I have tree trunks for legs!! It is very sexy!! I had my normal dr appointment this week and lets just say I am carrying a few extra pounds of water weight or so I am telling myself! So I am now back to walking everyday no matter how cold it is! And then to add to my fragile state of mind as I was checking out at the grocery store the clerk asked me when I was due. I said "feb." and she said "with twins?" "Nope just one little girl" "I don't think she is going to be too little!!"" Ok...don't people know that they shouldn't say that type of thing to a woman let alone a pregnant woman?!
Here is a shot of the belly...does it look like twins to you???

Our classes are going great. We are learning lots of great stuff on how to tackle the birth. However, I think Chris and I fail miserably when it comes to the relaxation point. every time the teacher tells us to relax, close our eyes and think of a happy place we loose it. We start laughing and giggling and cannot stop. This past week it spread throughout the whole class!! So I wont be surprised if we get kicked out of that part soon. I can say that I dont think we will be having quiet moments of counting backwards during our delivery!

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